The thought of termites gnawing away at the very foundation of your home can be enough to send your world into a tailspin. These destructive insects have become infamous for their wood-munching ways that can lead to considerable damage to the structure of your house and other wooden materials. And if not dealt with soon enough, a termite infestation can spiral out of control, costing you a small fortune in repairs and renovations.
Thankfully, Mission Pest Solutions provides the most effective pest control in Jacksonville to get rid of different kinds of termites in your home, sparing your structures and saving your investment. Read further to learn more about these “silent destroyers” and why partnering with pest experts can put your mind at ease.
What Does A Termite Infestation Look Like?
If you suspect you may have a termite infestation but are not 100% sure, some telltale signs of termites in your home can alert you to their presence. These critters can be so difficult to detect that they can live in homes for months or even years before their cover is blown. Your house may be infested with termites if you spot tunnels made out of mud, also known as mud tubes. Termites construct these pathways from their nests to their wooden food source.
And because they steadily chomp away at wood 24 hours a day, your wooden structures may sound hollow when tapped on. The affected wood could feel soft to the touch, crumble easily, or show visible maze-like patterns running through it. If you come across what appears to be a pile of sawdust, it could be frass, which is termite excrement they produce as a result of consuming wood.
When it comes to termites, it’s important to confirm your suspicions to prevent their damaging effects. Get in contact with your local termite pest control company if these clues seem familiar.
With Time, Termites Will Cause Extensive Damage To Your Home
Despite their tiny size, termites can cause extensive damage to any wooden structure in your home. Their constant consumption of wood and other cellulose-based materials can lead to expensive restorations and repairs. The trouble with termite damage is that it can often go unnoticed for years while these insects work silently and invisibly behind the scenes. This is why it’s critical to be proactive about preventing termite infestations and to have regular inspections conducted by experts.
By taking steps to protect your Jacksonville home from termites, you can avoid the costly and time-consuming repairs that come with termite damage – entrust Mission Pest Solutions for your pest management and prevention needs.
What Attracts Termites To Your Home
If you’re like many homeowners who prefer not to deal with the nightmare known as a termite infestation, it’s essential to understand what attracts these insects to your home in the first place.
Here are the ideal conditions that termites gravitate towards:
- Termites require moisture to survive and are drawn to damp or poorly-ventilated areas.
- Termites feed on wood and other cellulose-based materials, whether it be your home’s structure, furniture, flooring, or even books.
- Termites thrive in warm and humid environments.
- Termites can hide in cluttered areas, making them difficult to detect.
To reduce your chances of becoming infested, eliminate sources of excess moisture around your home, elevate any wood materials off the ground, and make sure your home is well-ventilated. Consult with Jacksonville termite control specialists to eradicate a termite problem quickly.
The Stress-Free Way To Total Termite Protection For Your Home
Dealing with a termite infestation can be a stressful and overwhelming experience, especially if you’re unfamiliar with the best methods for getting rid of these pests. Fortunately, Mission Pest Solutions is armed and ready with the knowledge, background, and effective termite treatments to eliminate these insects for good in the greater Jacksonville area. We use the right combination of eco-friendly products to ensure your family’s health and safety. Reach out to us today for help with termites and to learn more about our residential and commercial pest control services in Jacksonville.