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How To Protect Your Jacksonville Property From Termites


Termites thrive in warm climates, and with summer in the Jacksonville, Florida area fast approaching, these pests will soon be more of a threat than at any other time of year. It’s important that you know about termites, such as how they function, what attracts them to your house, and what you can do to make your home less of a target, so that you know how to respond. The best pest control in Jacksonville, however, is professional pest control. Mission Pest Solutions is here to service your home and take care of all your pest control needs.

About The Termite Caste System

First, let’s discuss the way termites in Jacksonville interact with each other. Termites have what is known as a caste system, which means that different kinds of termites have different roles in a colony. These roles can usually be determined by a termite’s appearance. There are three castes of termites; swarmers, soldiers, and workers. Typically, the swarmers are the only termites with wings, often the largest of the three castes. Their job is to reproduce and ensure the colony’s survival. One of the most common signs of termites is seeing termite swarmers around your house or in your yard. Soldiers are usually somewhere between the swarmers and the workers in size and typically have large heads with prominent mandibles. These termites must defend the colony from invaders and keep the workers safe. Workers are generally the most numerous caste in a termite colony and often the smallest. Their job is to consume and digest wood for the rest of the colony, both to provide nourishment and to expand the colony.

How A Termite Infestation Starts

There are several ways that a termite infestation can start. Termites are primarily attracted to new places by abundant sources of food or areas that provide proper shelter. For some species of termites, the most desirable home has plenty of moisture. These termites may gravitate to places like basements or crawl spaces, where moisture tends to build up. For other termite species, the best place to live is hot and dry. These termites are, therefore, more likely to take up residence in attics or other areas lacking in moisture. Some signs of termites inside your house include bubbling or peeling paint, wood that has darkened or sounds hollow when tapped on, and mud tubes on the outside of your home.

How To Identify And Remove Factors That Attract Termites

Now that you have an idea of what can attract termites to your house, let’s talk about how you can mitigate these factors and keep termites away more effectively. While termite removal is beyond the scope of what a homeowner can reasonably do, you can take several simple steps to make your Jacksonville home less of a target.

These include:

  • Eliminating areas of standing water in and around your house.
  • Diverting running water away from your house and making sure gutters and downspouts are working properly.
  • Putting screens over vents on the outside of your home.
  • Storing lumber and firewood away from your house.
  • Keeping the wooden parts of your house from contacting the soil as much as possible.

These steps aren’t perfect, however. You may still find yourself dealing with a termite infestation. If you do, however, don’t panic. There is still something you can do.

Expert Termite Control Is A Great Idea For Jacksonville Properties

Professional termite control in Jacksonville is the best answer to any infestation, and termites are no exception. They are dangerous and often go unnoticed for months or years, and when you discover them, the damage can be catastrophic. Our team at Mission Pest Solutions possesses the training and the tools needed to get rid of termites in your home for good. We are a family, veteran-owned company, and we pride ourselves on accuracy and efficiency. If you need termite protection, call Mission Pest Solutions today for more information about our residential and commercial pest control services in Jacksonville.