Besides our warm, sunny weather, if there is one thing Florida is well-known for, it is the number of mosquitoes that call our state home! These biting flies do so well in our state because our warm, humid weather allows them to breed quickly and create large populations.
Mosquitoes have small oval bodies, one pair of wings, six legs that hang down in flight, and an elongated, piercing mouthpart called a proboscis.

Are mosquitoes dangerous?
Florida residents need to take mosquitoes seriously. They are a significant threat to people and animals because of the diseases they spread through their feeding habits.
Females feed on the blood of warm-blooded animals to get the protein they require to produce healthy eggs. Each female feeds on many different hosts throughout their short lives. As they feed, they acquire various pathogens and parasites that they pass on to their next host during their next meal.
Large populations of mosquitoes pose a health risk. To lower the risk to you, your family, and your pets, you must take steps to make your property as uninhabitable as possible to mosquitoes and implement regular mosquito control services.
Why do I have a mosquito problem?
Mosquitoes are not hearty insects. They are frail, easily squished, and have a short lifespan. Because they are so easy to kill, they have to create large populations to ensure the species’ success.
Female mosquitoes lay their eggs on top of areas of standing water. Florida is a state with standing water almost everywhere you turn; marshes, lakes, ponds, wooded areas, and our backyards. Mosquitoes are a problem in your yard because it provides for their basic needs.
Where will I find mosquitoes?
In our yards, mosquitoes gather around their breeding sites. Standing water collects in things like clogged gutters, buckets, wading pools, yard debris, low-lying areas, pet bowls, open trash cans, and recycling bins.
Many mosquitoes like to rest in shady areas during mid-day heat to stay out of the direct sunlight. Grass, weeds, tree canopies, dense shrubbery, and spaces under decks are places these insects gather in large numbers.
The more standing water and resting spots you have on your property, the more difficulty you will have with mosquitoes.
How do I get rid of mosquitoes?
For the best mosquito control in the Jacksonville area, reach out to Mission Pest Solutions. We will come to your property, perform an inspection and then treat the specific areas of your property plagued by mosquitoes. Our mission is to provide our customers with the highest-quality home pest control services possible and reduce the number of mosquitoes swarming your yard!
From one-time to seasonal services, we can meet your exact pest control needs. To learn more about effective mosquito control in Florida, reach out to us at Mission Pest Solutions today!
How can I prevent mosquitoes in the future?
Use the following information to help make your yard less attractive to swarming mosquitoes.
- Fill in areas of your yard where rainwater puddles.
- Keep gutters clear of debris.
- Repair leaky outdoor fixtures or hoses.
- Keep your lawn cut short and cut back overgrown shrubs and trees.
- Regularly empty and refill with fresh water pet water bowls, wading pools, and birdbaths.
- Screen in outdoor eating areas and porches.
To learn more about our mosquito control service, reach out to us today!