Spiders in the Jacksonville area are common critters that we are pretty familiar with. Though regularly grouped with insects, spiders are actually arachnids. Like all arachnids, spiders lack wings and antennae, and instead of having three body segments, they only have two. Also, insects have six legs, but adult arachnids, including spiders, have eight legs!

Are spiders dangerous?
If you see large populations of spiders on your property, you shouldn’t worry that you or your family are in danger. Spiders are not aggressive, and though they can bite us, they typically only do so if their life is in danger. If a spider feels threatened, it will bite to protect itself. Spiders won’t, however, seek people out and bite us just for the fun of it!
Though most spiders we come across don’t have venom potent enough to cause people problems, we do have dangerous spiders in Florida. Dangerous spiders are those species that have venom powerful enough to harm people. If you are ever concerned about the spiders you find on your property, it is best practice to contact a professional that can come to your home and accurately identify the spiders present.
Why do I have a spider problem?
Insects thrive in Florida, our warm temperatures allowing them to feed and breed throughout much of the year. Wherever there are large populations of insects, there will be large numbers of the organisms that prey upon them.
Spiders are predators, and our gardens, flowerbeds, trees, trash cans, and outdoor eating areas provide spiders with easy access to food. The more spiders in your yard, the bigger the chance that they will eventually wander into your home, either while following their insect prey or when looking for a safe place to lay their eggs.
Where will I find spiders?
Since spiders are reclusive pests, they do their best to stay hidden away, which is why they love our yards. The dense vegetation in most Florida yards provides them with the cover they need to feel protected. It also camouflages them and makes it more difficult for their prey to avoid them.
When spiders are in a home, they hang out in areas that put them in easy reach of their insect prey, like kitchens, bathrooms, crawl spaces, basements, and the corners of windows.
How do I get rid of spiders?
If spiders have become a problem on your property, the easiest way to remove them and the insects that have likely drawn them to your property is by contacting a local professional. For the best pest control in the Jacksonville area, reach out to us here at Mission Pest Solutions. Our professionals are friendly, experienced, and dedicated to providing the highest-quality home pest control services possible.
Our treatments are tailored to your exact needs as it is our mission to provide our customers with the most effective home and commercial pest control services possible! To learn more about effective spider control in Florida, don’t hesitate to call Mission Pest Solutions today!
How can I prevent spiders in the future?
Use the following information to help guard your home against unwanted spider activity.
- Dislodge hiding spiders in your home and get rid of unwanted spider webs by regularly vacuuming and dusting.
- Replace damaged weatherstripping and door sweeps.
- Seal up cracks and other openings in your home’s exterior that allow spiders to move indoors.
- Keep gutters clear, make sure downspouts are working, and eliminate standing water on your property.
- Remove clutter and debris from your yard and home. More clutter equals more places for spiders to hide.
Call today for more information about our residential or commercial pest control services!